So its been a long few days. I had a very big decision to make these last few days. I had to decide if I was going to finish my schooling or just drop out all together. Its been very hard for me to decide what I'm going to do. I have had so much going on lately that I was not doing good in school and have become even more depressed because of it. I know that if I stop now I'll never finish. So I decided I going to stay in school but I'm goin to change what school I'm going to. I'm still going to do online schooling but I'm going to one that is way more interactive that others I have seen. I hope I can do good and get to where I want to be. I have not done much crocheting these past few days. Been waiting to hear back from my mom about a vest that I want to make for her for Mothers Day. She did finally pick one now I just have to get started on it. I'm going to make her vest and then one for each of my girls. Its been nice being able to crochet and not have someone yelling at you about it or making fun of you. I well admit I was a bit worried about how Dan would feel about my crocheting. I didn't think he would not want me to do it. I was just scared because of how my ex treated it I was worried others would also. But Dan has been so great in supporting me and not make me feel like I'm wasting my time.
On another note we get to pick up the other goats tomorrow. We well also be gettin 3 pigs and a cow next week. Boy are we goin to be busy. But its gonna be fun. Now we can see just how much Dan and I can put on our plates lol. With him working and me goin to school, then we have the girls and me tryin to find another job, then we have takin care of all the animals we have. Animal count to date is 7 dogs and 6 goats. Then we have makin sure the farm looks good, that kinda falls on Dan and his job, and at some point we have to find time for us, and we do.I can say I know that I would be lost if not for all of the support I get from Dan. We may but heads at times but we work it out and move on together. We do still plan on gettin married this year, no I'm givin out the date yet. One thing we may want to start doin it maybe start to kinda talk about some sort of plans as all we have done is set the date.
So I know this post is kinda all over the place but I just felt like writin tonight and just whatever came to mind.
Good luck on finding a school that is a good match for you, that is half the battle.
ReplyDeletewoman.,... Start selling your crochet stuff .. i net you could make a killing at it ...