Patches | |
So we got the new baby goats today. We didn't get the ones in the pics from my other post, but that's ok. They are so very cute and they are twins. One is smaller then the other. We have them in another box in the kitchen so that they can get used to people. Hestia, the bigger one, is having a hard time learning to take the bottle, but she well get it down soon. Aphrodite does good on the bottle and drinks it down pretty fast. Both have been knocking the boys around. It really funny to watch them. when we go out to feed them all its attack of the goats. You have to have about six hands to get them feed. Patches goes out there with us when we go to feed the goats. If I don't let him come he starts to pout. When feeding the new ones we have to hold them on our lap so the bigger ones don't push them off the bottle. Patches does not like this. He sits next to me and pouts till he can come into my lap. Its so cute and funny at the same time. I told Dan we are not gettin any more goats and that we are at our limit, but.........there was a little boy goat there that is just sooooo cute. He is all black except for a white "v" on his head. I feel in love with him because both of my girls were born with a "v" shaped birth mark on their forehead, so we may have to get one more. hehe. I'll have to get a pic done of the new girls here soon so everyone can see them.
Teddy bear blanket I also crocheted |
Amber was home sick today. She has a bad cough and I took her to the doc and all we can to is wait it out. We left her at home while we went to get the goats, as she is 14, and I found out that I still can't trust her. I kinda left a trap for her to see if she can be trusted and she failed. What I did is open a back of Soft Batch cookies and she took almost haft of them in the hour we were gone. I so wanted to trust her but i guess I can't yet. :( I told her that she well be goin to school tomorrow and that she is not to call to come home. I look at it as if she ca neat about 10 cookies in a hour then she is well enough to go to school.
Tigger afghan I crocheted |
Ok so I picked a school and I'll be goin to Colorado Technical University. Not sure why I didn't find this school a long time ago as I live in Colorado. But I have found it now and that's all that matters. I start on April 8th. What I like about this school is for every class you have the chance to have a live chat with you teacher and classmates. Also if I make it to graduation I can go to the campus in Colorado Springs and go through the ceremony. If I would have stayed at the other school I would just get my degree in the mail. I think this school will be a lot better and i just maybe able to get my degree.
Dan wanted me to tall everyone that he has been workin his butt off here. But I know that he is havin fun so he can't complain.
I had on of my dearest friends that I see as family tell me that I need to start sellin the things I crochet. I really don't think stuff I make is good enough to sell. Maybe some day years from now I may kinda think about the possibility of seeing if maybe I can sell something.
Good luck with your change of schools. I hope it works out for you.