Hello everyone so here's the update. So if not everyone knows I lost my job at the group home :(. It's been really stressful on me as I feel I have let everyone down because at the same time I was not doin good in my old school. Things have been very stressful on me and like I always do I keep it all locked up. I have been spending most of my time lookin for another job and working on my crochet and helpin take care of the goats. We are up to 8 baby goats!!! The girls had a goat class over the weekend and we found out that even though we dont want to we have to have the girl's goats dehorned :(. We also found out that we had to get a scrapie tag from the people we got the goats from. It would have been nice to be told this by their club leader but she didn't tell us this. So for the past few days I have been tryin to find out how to get these tags. The people we got the goats from have not returned phone calls. Very stressful. So I do what I do best and I went to google. There I found a number to the person I needed to talk to about how to get tags for these goats. I told him that I was told the breeder was to tag them and he said no the buyer is, so now we have the tags coming in the mail. The goats get dehorned tomorrow. They are not gonna be happy goats, but it has to be done. We did get 3 female pygmy goats to go with the 3 males. we were only going to get 2 but there was one there that I just had to have. It's a little back goat with a white "v" on its head. I saw her and thought about my girls. Both of them were born with a "v" shaped birth make on their foreheads. So we went back and got her. So now we have a total of 9 goats, with 8 of them still on the bottle. Its not easy to feed that many alone. We are trying to wean one and he is not happy about that.
As for the job hunt. I have been puttin in apps and have not heard back until today. I got a call from the post office and have an interview on the 13th. So I hope I get it. Its only a part time job but that will work so that I can still go to school. I do start at my new school on Sunday. I hope this one is not just there to get money. But we will see.
I got a strange text from my mom that has me all worried. She asked if I was doin anything for the farm on Sunday and I siad no and why and all I got back was I'll call you tomorrow. GGrrrr now Ima be thinkin about it all night.
As far as my crocheting is goin, I'm working on a vest for my mom for mother's day. I started it Monday night and all I have left to do it the edging. I think I'll make some vests for the girls also. I almost have the mystery afghan done just have to piece it together, and then wait for next week to see what the border is.
So now I'm just tryin to take things one day at a time and hope that everything will get better. i was put on an anti-anxiety and depression meds. So we will see if they work. So that's all for tonight. I have not been sleepin very well so Ima go and try to sleep. Hugs everyone, Love Trina
You are getting things lined out...remember one step at a time, one day at a time. I am very proud of all you have done...crossing my fingers for you on the interview. Love you and miss you!