Friday, August 3, 2012

Bad day

It was a really bad day today. Had court with my ex and some how he got an attorney. Makes me feel like I'm screwed and could lose the girls. I have gone to legal aid but they wont go into court with me. Dan and I are going to go and talk to an attorney next week. I'm hoping he will work with us and let us make payments for his retainer fees. If not I will have to face his attorney myself. I was told today that I had to get tough and fight hard. I do know one thing I can bring up and its how he only wants his children when its convenient for him. I can prove this by bringing up his son that he had before I meet him. He had no contact with him until he was starts to have regular routes to Texas. There where no phone calls or letters before that. So, if I have to use his son in this I will. I know that is one thing that will get under his skin. I just have to hope and pray that I can get the help I need for this. I am so scared I'll lose the girls I dont know what to do with myself. I dont think he has thought about the contempt of court he has so I will being that up also and question how he can get an attorney but can't help pay for Harmonys braces or the girls schooling or the other things he has not done. Lets not forget that he went 10 months without paying child support. And yes I got his tax return but always have him telling me that the van would have been paid off if he got his return. I will also make sure the judge knows that I had to make a van payment or he was going to have the van repoed. I feel this is going to be a long hard fight and I just hope that what ever happens that what is best for the girls is put first. All I want is for the girls to be happy.

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