Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Hello everyone sorry I have not posted in a while. Things here have not been goin go. We lost in court on 8/17 so now my ex gets to see the girls unsupervised. The attorney I got from the pro-bono project was not very good at all. When my ex lied on the stand about him yelling at Amber my attorney did not show the evidence we had proving he was telling at her. So now I have to go in mediation with him and we have a court date for 2/13 for the modification of parenting time. I spent about 3 hours typing out why I feel that he should have limited supervised visits with the girls. I also put in there that he stated in court documents that he is not attempting to change the primary residence of the girls, but then he turns around and starts talking to Harmony about how she is going to like living with him and going to school by his house. I am going to be taking the girls to court and ask that the judge speak with them in chambers. I have also been keeping track of when he talks to the girls and when he wants to see them. In the original court papers he is to give me reasonable notice of when he wants to see the girls. Will over the weekend he asked if he could spend Monday with Harmony and he asked that morning. To me that is not reasonable notice. So I just didn't answer my phone when he called and didn't return the text messages. Right now he is happy that he won the battle but the war has just started. I have been doing research on everything and taking notes of what to ask who and so I'm hoping that I can handle all this without an attorney. Once the parenting stuff is over I'm going to hit him even harder by filing contempt of court on him for all the stuff he has not been doing that the courts said he has to do. I am also going to ask that I be paid in full within a month of the court date and state that if he can pay for a high-priced attorney and take trips out-of-state like to New Mexico. Go to concerts and but things there then he is more then able to pay me in full. If he does not get me paid in full by the set time then I'll ask that he serve no less then one year in jail for not only not getting me pain on time but also as a way for him to learn how to respect the dignity of the courts. After all with all of the contempts I have on him he will be lucky if he does not go to jail right then and there. I am also looking into suing his friends wife for frailer to supervise the visits between my ex and the girls and thus endangering the safety and welfare of a child. They all think that they have won but they have no clue what is coming. In court when talking about the girls I'm going to ask my ex if he has always wanted to be a part of his children's life's. If he says yes then that opens the door for me to bring up his son. The one that he had nothing to do with for about ten year and then only contacted him when it was convenient for him. He will have to explain to the courts why he never tried to have a relationship with his son even though he knew where his son was. He will also have to explain why if he is such a loving and wonderful father why did he not attend his sons funeral. It makes me wonder if his son really did die or if it was just a way to not have to contact his son any more once his route changed. Also if it is true that his son died what parent would not do all they can to attend the funeral of their oldest child. Also I am working on getting in contact with the U.S Marines and getting the public record of my exs dishonorable discharge form them and use it to establish his credibility. After all if you will lie to the federal government to get into the service what would stop you from lying in court. So its a long battle that is far from over but if I can just keep my head about me I should be able to come out on top.