Athena is the tall white one, Hera is the tan one and Diablo is the lil one |
First off crochet and goats DONT mix. No matter how cute they are they well eat what you are working on and cause you to have to start all over. That being said let me introduce myself. My name is Trina Tencza, soon to be Rosenbaum. I live in Grand Junction, Co. I also live on a historical farm that is part of the museums here in town. My soon to be hubby, Danny Rosenbaum, is now the grounds keeper of the farm and as part of the job we get to live on the farm!. Its been great. We have only been here for about two months but it has been wonderful. I am still trying to get unpacked, a large tack that never seems to end. As part of living here with my fiance i also have my two daughters here. They are Amber Rose age 14 and Harmony Leigh age 12. With being on the farm the girls get to learn how to take care of farm animals. Right now we have a pygmy goat and two Alpine kids. The alpines kids are for my daughters 4-H projects. We also have 6 chicks that right now live in the house. Here soon we well be getting 3 more pygmy goats, 2 pigs and 2 baby cows. Its been great with the goats we have so far. We have got them young enough to where they have to be bottle feed. So every four house we start the task of filling Mt. Dew bottles with the goat formula and go out and feed these 3 goats. It has been a lot of fun. Going back to what i first stated about crochet and goats don't mix. Well this started when we got the first goat. He is a little pygmy goat and we got him when he was only 3 weeks old. Well my wonderful fiance thought it would be good for the goat to not only be in the house with us but also to let him up on the couches just like the dogs. After all he was the same size as the dogs, 6 chihuahuas and a Yorkie. So as I'm sitting on the couch working on a new project and not thinking about the goat just down from me. I get up to get a drink and come back with my item in the goats mouth and him as happy as can be. He did not chew to much of it up but i did end up starting over. This went on for a few weeks as i started to remember that if I'm getting up so is my crochet. Once we got the other 2 goats I had banned them all to the kitchen and their sleeping boxes at night and the pen during the day. But, now that it has gotten warmer they are now banned from the inside of the house. I love the goats but they no longer need to be in the house. After all they are farm animals and not dogs or cats. Yes some may feel different then I do and that is fine. But for me the farms animals need to stay out of the house. I can't wait till the chickens are older so they can also go outside.